At Vail Spa pride is more than just a virtue, it is part of our brand. I have never felt such an immense sense of pride, in my work, my team and most of all our leadership.The honor produced by our team’s many accomplishments can be overwhelming and yet so fulfilling.
” Pride and its accompanying stance serve as a signal of acceptance, belonging, ownership, or status. But aside from functioning as a social signal, pride promotes more of the same kind of choices and actions that led to it, and is associated with greater self-respect, self-confidence, productivity, creativity, and altruism.” well said by Neel Burton in his article Pride:Vice or Virtue on Psychology today. Our unity as a team is a direct reflection of our leadership and what they promote; product pride.
Recently Jessica Davis, a pillar in our team at Vail Spa, was honored by the Colorado Hotel and Lodging Association with the Principal Leadership award. Jessica displays poise and professionalism in the most difficult times. She wears many hats here at Vail Spa and juggles them with grace and charisma. The level of leadership displayed by Jessica on a daily basis is inspirational and generates honor and pride in the workplace. The product of pride created by our leadership at Vail Spa is invaluable. As Steve Maraboli says, “If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck, if you hang out with eagles you’re going to fly.”